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The “Time-capsulated Histories: Six Decades of PolyU Design” show

Published: October 18, 2024
Author: HFT

October 17, 2024 The exhibition “Time-capsuled Histories: Six Decades of PolyU Design” is on display at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Design (PolyU Design) through November 11, 2024. The exhibition, which is a part of the School’s 60th anniversary celebrations, highlights the School’s history and includes alumni works from the past 50 years, demonstrating the University’s important contribution to the development of design education and the Hong Kong design sector.

Offering top-notch undergraduate and graduate programs to foster creative talent across a range of industries, PolyU Design, Hong Kong’s first and most recognizable comprehensive design college, is an essential center for design education and research. A demonstration of research papers, curriculum development, research development, alumni design works, and PolyU Design’s headship mapping comprise the exhibition’s five sections.

A research team from the School spent more than a year gathering priceless artifacts and materials from alumni and former employees from a variety of eras and industries who have strong ties to the development of the School, on commission from Prof. Kun-Pyo LEE, Dean of PolyU Design. From PolyU Design’s beginnings at the Hong Kong Technical College to its current location at PolyU, the materials have been painstakingly arranged and presented using an eye-catching and methodical timeline that documents reactions to shifting industry regulations and technological breakthroughs. In addition to offering a more thorough account of the evolution of design in the City, the exhibition delves into the history of the School and the connection between design education and social and economic changes in Hong Kong

The outstanding collection of pieces produced by designers who graduated from PolyU Design between 1973 and 2023 is another highlight of the exhibition. It draws attention to how design and artistic creations have changed from the 1980s to the present, mirroring shifts in regional and international markets. These include a speaker system made out of a recycled plastic container, a branding project for the HKSAR Government’s Green@Community initiative, a multipurpose golf bag that has been a best-seller for more than 16 years, artwork inspired by the red lampshades of local wet markets that represent Hong Kong’s worth and international talents, and many more. Also on display are numerous research publications from PolyU Design academics from various historical periods.

At the sharing event, “Time-Capsuling: The Untold Journeys of PolyU Design,” a group of alumni and Mr. SIU King Chung, the project leader and former associate dean of the school, will discuss the school’s evolution over the past 60 years.

In addition to honoring PolyU Design’s incredible journey, where the past inspires the present and stimulates the future, the public is welcome to attend and learn about the history and prospects of design education in Hong Kong.

“Histories in Time: Six Decades of PolyU Design” Exhibition Date: October 7, 2024, until November 11, 2024
Monday through Saturday are the hours of operation; Sundays and public holidays are closed. 10:30 am to 7:00 pm
Location: Jockey Club Innovation Tower, PolyU, Pavilion
Registration: External guests must register in advance.

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