The four leading Textile Research Associations (ATIRA, BTRA, SITRA, and NITRA) are organizing the 62nd Joint Technological Conference (JTC), which will be held on the NITRA campus on October 24 and 25, 2024. Innovative research and development in spinning, weaving, chemical processing, clothing production, home textiles, and technological textiles will be on display during this two-day event. All eight TRAs will present their research for the first time: ATIRA, BTRA, SITRA, NITRA, IJIRA, MANTRA, SASMIRA, and WRA. Both technological and conventional textiles will be on display at the conference, along with a special session devoted to technology textiles. It is anticipated that participants in this esteemed event, including professionals from the textile and garment sectors as well as members of the military and paramilitary forces, would acquire important knowledge and advantages.
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