To spread the word about your luxury brand to a global audience, EGY HOME TEX is providing a plethora of fascinating opportunities for branding, sponsorship, advertising, and promotion at the exhibition site. With the new range of branding and advertising options we provide, you may efficiently and rapidly contact your target audience at the appropriate touch points. You can select an option for advertising that precisely matches your ROI and budget. You have the ability to control your own success. Don’t just take part; give your brand the attention it merits. The new sponsoring alternatives will be accessible starting in December 2024, and at that time, a thorough rundown of all the benefits will be happily supplied. Profile of Exhibitors: Organic Textiles Artificial Fibers Textiles Woven Performance Fabrics / Knitted Fabrics Handcrafted Rugs & Carpets Synthetic Carpets and Rugs Wall-to-wall textile floor coverings.
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