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Revolution Fabrics showcases eco-friendly fabrics

Published: November 16, 2024
Author: HFT

Kings Mountain, North Carolina—The sixth annual Kingston Design Showhouse in Stoneridge, New York, showcased the skills of 12 designers and a variety of Revolution Fabrics’ sustainable performance fabrics. The event was sponsored by the firm.

The historic two-story house, which is run by Kingston Design Connection, gives designers access to Revolution Fabrics’ whole line of performance fabrics that are created in the United States without the use of PFC chemicals.

“We are proud to partner with the Kingston Design Showhouse, an outstanding project that showcases the outstanding talent in the Hudson Valley and emphasizes the potent role that design plays in creating community,” stated Anderson Gibbons, Revolution Fabrics’ chief marketing officer. Seeing our textiles carefully weaved into such imaginative settings was encouraging, and we are honored to be a part of an initiative that significantly affects the local economy and design community.

Ulster County Habitat for Humanity, a group that has been assisting families in the Hudson Valley with house improvement and construction since 1996, benefited from this year’s event’s proceeds.

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